More news for players!
1. Wedding support – Score Increment
We completed the support for weddings. For the married (in-game!) players, the King/Queen who collects Score points adds the same increment to his/her wife/husband!
This works also if the other is in another area of the game or even if not connected.
Check it out and increment – remember you get increase of max strength and experience points at each 1000 Score points.
2. Kingdom Simulation – Log
Kingdom simulation is today easier to understand.
When each day breaks, the information about reputation on villains, how many came and how many died, everything gets reported on a scroll which is placed into King/Queen’s hands.
This allows you to examine what’s happened and see how your performance can be improved.
This way you will see how to avoid common pitfalls (such as to start ruling without giving Morubar some 30 coins to let the newcomers start off) and eventually get more Score points to be collected.
3. Guild Status Update
This command, available to all guild leaders and deputies, can now be used each (real) hour. We recommend to use it often when engaged in a war, so that you see how the situation evolves.
4. Fixed bugs
Several bugs were fixed related to the priest, an annoying “double crown” bug, and finally a flaw letting expert users to beat other players down even when they were running away.